The Homespun Music Project
People often ask us why we play music. Actually, people usually ask when are you going to audition for The Voice?!??? in their most enthusiastic cheerleader tone. I know the question was designed to be a motivational complement, but it feels impossible to answer. If you’ve ever met me or my sister, you know large-and-in-charge Mariah Carey ballads are not really our talent. But who wouldn’t want to wait in line for 1-day-only to land the big break which will provide them a lifetime (or at least a decade) of fame and fortune? Made overnight. That’s freakin’ awesome! But that’s not what we’re doing
What we’re doing is experiencing life, and expressing it through song. Words, melodies, rhythms. Sometimes people listen, sometimes people don’t. Sometimes people connect with a song and want to talk to me about it, and then I feel like I’m alive in the world. We play our songs in venues where I can see the faces in the audience. I like to notice which songs make people set down their conversation and turn their chairs around. My own version of The Voice.
Between my sister and I, we’ve written dozens of new and personal songs this year that we’ve shared both live on stage and among just us two in our living room. Homegrown songs that are waiting to find a chair to turn, or not to turn...but they’re just waiting. We’re bursting at the seams and stitching together our ideas for sharing our new music. Our next project is going to be backwards and inside out and handmade with love. Please stay tuned in 2016 when Sestra launches our Homespun Music Project, sharing each step with you along the way.